Billboard - “Oh [REDACTED], Where Art Thou?”

This billboard is a part of the larger project “Oh [REDACTED], Where Art Thou?”, which depicts a hellscape. While creating a scene such as this it seemed necessary to include a billboard with a horrific (and real) advertisement. It is meant to look somewhat out of place within its environment as I really wanted to draw attention to it. Commenting both on consumerism and the frivolity of the human need to not only prioritize (and create) something as strange and dystopian as a beach body but to then feel the need to capitalize on it, seemed more than fitting within Hell.

While the overall scene of “Oh [REDACTED], Where Art Thou?” plays with both realistic and low-poly modeling, I wanted to keep this billboard as real looking as I could. The advertisement on it is a very real one and I wanted to showcase that by having the object I created mirror its realness.

I used MAYA to create the billboard and Substance Painter 3D to texture it.